Friday, August 29, 2008

Today was superrr - FUN ! :]

Chinese period was SOOO FUNNYY . Gordon & Bryan Chong keep laughing like crazy , so liu lao shi made them stand in front of the class and laugh for THREE whole minutes . Wished I had pictures of them laughing in front of the class .

One hour recess ! Played soccer so long . :]

The performance after recess was so funny . Today's a funny day , eh ? Rofl . Mr Rays won most handsome teacher award ! Arghs , why not Mr Goh Kee Yong or Mr Wee ? lols . Alex's NCC AIR teacher won the most beautiful teacher award . Why not Miss Rai ? lols .

Got back report book after that . Zzz .
Went back Meridian ! But , gate closed alrd . ): Saw so many of my friends ! A group of us went out . :] Downtown East . To eat . Christine actually treated us to two pizzas !
Walked to White Sands after that . Anna and Christine went arcade , the rest of the guys couldn't go arcade cause we were in school uniform . Went library , then went home .
Then played soccer .

After dinner , BLOGGG . :]

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Nothing to post today . I'm home so early today , -.-


Math of love : 1 + 1 = EVERYTHING .
2 - 1 = NOTHING .

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

.. Bryan Mui got punished again , hhahaha . Go play with door , -.- . Matthew told Mrs Ling he doesn't want to be chairman anymore , omg . Dunno what Mrs Ling said to him after we left after school .

Training was FUN ! After workout (which was tiring though) , at the chin-up there , we kept joking with each other , hahah . So funny . Brian and Jarryl (Sec 2-9 , NOT Jarryl Chan) had to keep 10 metres away from each other , lols . They keep breaking the rule , then pump , hahahahha .

Sian lahs , tmrw got triple Chinese , ARGHS . Hais ..

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Today was boring .. Didn't post yesterday , cause training damn tired . Coach came back , lols .
Yeah ! I passed Malay , :] 27/50 . Alex got 37 , wth ! He says because of the Bahasa Indonesia he uses to talk to his maid , guess its almost the same . Brendan got 16 , HAHAHA , even Anders owned him with 25 . -.- , why am i talking about Malay . lols . Anyway , Mr Teo came in our class and scolded us cause we were noisy and Malay teacher go call him . Zzz .

Wanted to go Bishan Active one lors , just outside our school . In the end , never go . Played soccer in school though . Scored against Gordon , haha . Still say i cannot score . :] If I didn't aim properly , I think he faint liao . Haha . Ram so hard . All he could do was the indescribable stupid action of his , rofl , so funny .

Arghs , tmrw got PE , training , and afternoon assembly ( need to bring high socks , lol ) .

. Girl , i miss you . Come back , don't leave .

Friday, August 22, 2008

Hais , today was boring . Yeah , got record for summer games on Joshua's phone ! hahaha . Bryan Mui didn't read his ESSAY , zzz . Chinese was screwed . Watched some movie on Hitler during history . Got 50/100 for history , ZAI . Miss Rai sat beside me during art class when we doing work , lols . ALEX was soo SUAN lah . FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY SCHOOL YEAR , I got an A1 for Mathematics . Mrs Lim anyhow give marks away one lor . lols . For first time , i listened attentively during Maths , hahahha . Even asked Mrs Lim a question and understood what she said , rofl .

Training was 10 x 100m . Sian , when we finish the the 10 x 100m then RGS come . Hahs . Did lungers , bearcrawl and wheelbarrow after resting . Then chin-ups , sit-ups . Brian Cheang action action face the RGS girls and do chin-ups , lol . Then Clement and me teased him , lols . Rained heavily after training .. Mr Yong sent us to J8 .

I think I'm addicted to pool already , haha . Pictures BELOW ! :]
Me shooting , haha . Bryan Koh holding stick in background . Brendan Loy extra lah .

Me holding the stick , lols . Ryan Cheng look so short beside me , haha .

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Waaaaaaa!! Got B3 for LE !! ARGHS .. 9 x 100 today . zz . saw RGS ppl at stadium . Anders dunwann believe that they are chio , his problem . :] Got two retarded girls NOT FROM RGS , ANDERS , who keep screaming like mad . lols , Timothee also screamed , HAHAHAH .

NOW FOR SOME PICTURES !! haha . GORDON , you said you didn't mind ! Alex , you didn't object ! :]


ALEX !! :]

ME! :] I look weird . Lols .

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Today was an okay day .

Reached school at 6.45 . Chionged Science worksheet 8 & 9 with help from Jarryl . Thanks Jarryl ! Then , did my science file filing , with TONS of help from Joshua . Thanks !!

After morning assembly , went to D & T lab . Mr Teng didn't come today , woohoos! Kinda slacked during D & T , lols . Went to library at 9am . Some stupid screwed NE thing . Wasted half hour there .
Me resting after D&T ,lols . Credit to Joshua for the picture . :D

After D & T was CHINESE . Arghs . ): Liulaoshi asked us how was oral , and i said SCREWED . He didn't understand though . Rofl . Then , he asked us a question related to our textbook , which was , 你们在你心目中是怎样的孩子. He started from me , wth . I said 顽皮 , and then almost the whole row copied me , lols . The rest of the lesson was nothing much , except when Bryan Mui talked to me and then I didn't listen to liulaoshi , then he made me sit in front . :D

After recess was DOUBLE LE , sian luhs . We wasted alot of time cause Bryan was punished because he said vulgarity on Saturday , oral day . 1000 word essay , hahas . MC also admitted he didn't contribute to his group for podcast . 400 word essay on Hari Raya Puasa , lols . Oh , and we got our overall marks . ZZZ , B3 .

Science was slacking time .

After science , MALAY !! ARGHS . we had exam . lols . Flop lahs , but think still can pass because of my time in Meridian . Hahah . =]]

YEAH , after lunch , went play soccer for so long . Owned Alex in one-on-one situations , hahah . Sorry Alex .

Arghs , tmrw training will be Exhausting again ..


Monday, August 18, 2008

Hey guys , just created this blog . :]
Thanks for reading my first post .

Anyway , training today was EXHAUSTING .
First , teacher-in-charge made us run one round as warm-up . Its not very ridiculous , but , after we finished , he said we didn't do it below 2 mins , so we had to go another round . LOLS . Well , go lors . Anyway we were just slacking on the first round . Around Fifteen Minutes after we finished , we started on our training . Running 100m 8 times .. With only 2 minutes rest in between . Argh , next training will be 100m 9 times , then 10 times , then 11 , so on until 20 . I HATE YOU , Isaac . Lols, just kidding . After that , WHEELBARROW .. WTH .. THEN , CHIN-UPS !! Arghs .. Had to do 1 chin up , then 2 , then 3 , then 4 so on . I did 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 , and i didn't finish 9 , so its 38 times .. Zzz .
CRAP!! Still got SCIENCE HOMEWORK ! Ah , nevermind , just copy from Jarryl/Chiong tmrw , xP .