Friday, December 16, 2011

You always seem happier with your friends around.

I don't know why either, but with your friends around, you always seem happier. Calling you with your friends around - much easier then calling you when you're alone. You answer with that questioning tone that I so dearly hope to hear every single time I call you...

So many times, I do things just to elicit some kind of concerned response from you, but we just end up arguing.. I just want some concern from you, is that too much to ask? Every single time you ask me "where are you?", I just have this wave of emotion sweeping over me... Like, "she cares about me!" Sigh am I just immature or stupid? Is this normal? I just want to get some sort of affirmation from you, am I wrong in this as well?

Saturday, December 3, 2011

I don't know what to do or say anymore.

Everything I do or say is just wrong in your eyes...
What am I to do seriously..
You say you can do what I do, but why can't I do what you can? You can tease me, try annoying me, but I can't retaliate or what by annoying you back cause you would get angry..
I can't speak my mind for fear you would just say "let's just break up". You know how much frustration I feel? If I said this to you, instead of listening and trying together to solve this problem, you would just say, "then leave me la".
Are you like purposely doing this to annoy me, frustrate me, anger me, force me to leave? Or are you naturally like that? I'm really at a loss.
I miss who you used to be... I miss us.... I miss the love I felt... I miss everything about us.. Where has it all gone to?
Even my good friend says that when you're happy you treat me like gold, when you're not you treat me like mold. I don't know. Why are you treating me like this?
All I ever want is a good relationship with you.... I love you.....