Monday, September 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Cherie Tan . : D

Frisbee was actually fun today . Hahaha . But we got owned by Eeediootic Edward . (:

Went pizza hut with Alex , Joshua & Kaixiang after school . Then took train to Yishun with Alex . (:


Saturday, September 27, 2008

YEAH ! FINISHED MEMORISING SEQ ! To all the suckers who haven't done so , : SUCKKERR .

Now for the tons of who-knows-what , -.- .

EOY countdown : Five More Days .

Monday, September 22, 2008

EOYs next week !

@#! $#@# , needa memorise the SEQ for History , arghs .

I'me frigging screwed . End of story .

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hello Kitty ! :D

Me ! :D

Anders & Me !

Joshua & Me ! :D (I so guai , tuck in shirt ! :D)

Me & Anders ! :D

Me & Anders again . Arghs , i look so gay .

Security Check ! :D

So , yeah , the overdue pictures . My hair looks like shit la . Why must have Hair Check ? Zzzz .

Not gonna post about what happened there . :D

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Today was FUN ! Whole day passed by in a blur lah , :D . Played basketball during PE , I think I improved man . :)

After school went Primary School side "dapao" eat . So cheap , hahah . After that try tennis , lols . Got owned la . Hahaas . Then play soccer with Sec 2s . Scored a pretty tight goal .

Wah , training was TIRING . But , But , But , Mr Yong treated everyone who came today to dinner ! Yeah ! Cause Chong Ye finally did his first pull-up today . :D . Ate alot la , so nice . Louis had to eat so many vegetables , hahahhah , forced by coach . Eating dinner with them was frigging fun . THANKS MR YONG AND CHONG YE ! :))

Arghs , I'm so TIRED . && I haven't even bathed yet .

Byes .

Monday, September 15, 2008

Brendan Loy got punished again ! HAHHAHAH . Serve him

right lah . During IT talk talk talk . Hope Mrs Ling don't return

him his phone lah . :)

Crap , E.O.Y coming ! Damn Damn Damn . Oh %^&*( , tmrw got Chinese .

Zzz , it's getting so boring nowadays , nothing else to blog about already .

Oh , wait wait wait , I know a secret about you , Joshua !

The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting.Could it be that we have been this way before?I know you don't think that I am trying.I know you're wearing thin down to the core.But hold your breath,Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you,Over again.Don't make me change my mind.Or I won't live to see another day.I swear it's true.Because a girl like you is impossible to find.You're impossible to find.This is not what I intended.I always swore to you I'd never fall apart.You always thought that I was stronger.I may have failed.But I have loved you from the start.Oohhh...But hold your breath.Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you.Over again.Don't make me change my mind.Or I won't live to see another day.I swear it's true.Because a girl like you is impossible to find.It's impossible.So breathe in so deep.Breathe me in.I'm yours to keep.And hold onto your words'Cause talk is cheap.And remember me tonight.When you're asleep.Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you.Over again.Don't make me change my mind.Or I won't live to see another day.I swear it's true.Because a girl like you is impossible to find.Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you.Over again.Don't make me change my mind.Or I won't live to see another day.I swear it's true.Because a girl like you is impossible to find.You're impossible to find.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Saw a rainbow during morning assembly today . :D And it wasn't raining before that .

Had SPA test ! Arghs . Played with the stopwatch , hahah . Managed to get 9.69 and 19.30 on my first try , YEAH . USAIN BOLT ROCKS . Miss Winnie Tan didn't come today , but we still had to do vocab test . I'm confident , hahaa . MUSIC WAS DAMN FUN FUN FUN FUN , I got punished by sitting next to the door . At least i skipped my turn for blowing flute , hahahahhaha . (: I did funny faces at the teacher , he was testing the other people . I did handstand , pumping at the door , ROFL . && he saw me doing handstand , then whole class laughed , lol . Some of the class also started doing handstand , hahahhahah . The teacher then showed us some stupid opera video , made me want to vomit la . -.-

Went Gordon's house after school , went play soccer and basketball . (: Almost couldn't play lor . Luckily the guy allow . Me and Joshua were like owning Gordon and Leon lah . Give them five-goal advantage also cannot win us . But basketball Leon owned la , I was like tyco anyhow throw go inside one lah . But I think my basketball got some improvement , :D .

Weekend's here and there's no work ! Except tingxie , zz . But not gonna learn , so , yeah , no work . :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Zzz , whole class got scolded today , by Mrs Ling again . Miss Tan found out that we made noise in Physics and never listen to teacher . Some people were punished . Kinda stood up for Alex by saying he just moves in front cause he can't see and crap . (: Whole class almost made to stay back , luckily didn't .

Kept super silent in Physics class la , I think even Mr Hu was shocked at the quietness . Miss Tan also came in for a while , hahaa .

I fell asleep during Chinese class , HAHAHAHHAAH . Then Anders woke me up , (:

Went study at Bishan Library after lunch . (: Did the questions I knew how to do in the three Science worksheets also . Bleah to Joshua .

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Presented during Chinese class today . Luckily , it wasn't that bad . :) Anders , Gordon & Qi Xun are next . Hahaa .

Had LE summary test . I felt I did okay . 134 words out of 160 word limit . Joshua got 122 words , lol .

Walao , maths period changed to after LE , -.- . Had another friggin test , !%^&*(!@#& ^ . Zzz . Science practical changed to Friday , yeah !

Slacked during Malay , almost got caught for something . (: Some teacher also came in and talked to us about paying respect && stuffs like that . In the end , we ended at like 2:50 . -.-

After lunch , we played soccer .

Monday, September 8, 2008

Mr Goh took us for P.E today , wth ! He pumped us cause 4 people's shirt was out . Zzz , then 4 x 10 = 40 . Then we keep starting from 0 cause some people don't know how to pump properly , you all should know who , no names mentioned . Then in the end pump over 30 plus times , then he said only 4 times , our class still owe him 36 . -.- Actually , he's quite a nice guy la , teach us play volleyball also so funny . (:

We had some cyber wellness thing during IT , hahaa . Was fun actually . (:


Had to ponder over whether to go Joshua's house and pon track , or go track . IN THE END , chose to go track . I super guai one ! (:

During training , we learnt some stuff from Coach .
First , BABIES cry when they are in the pram cause they are warm . If they are warm , they perspire . And the parents do not wash the pram every time they use it , so , babies cry when they are put into the pram cause its damn warm inside . When the parents push the pram , the babies stop crying cause there's moving air and they feel more comfortable . (:

Second , if you don't do your proper running style , and don't perfect it to perfection everytime , you're just perfecting the imperfection . :D

Third , Practice does not make perfect , it just makes it kind of permanent .

Just chiong-ed finish zuowen , hahaa . Zzz , got D&T tmrw .


Sunday, September 7, 2008


I still haven't finished my homework , i am gonna be so dead tmrw . :))

I just remembered a quote from primary school , hahahhahah . : Great minds think alike , stupid idiots differ little . :DD

Oh damn ! IT project still not finished ! Die already , zzzz .

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Skipped training today , lols . Cause my leg pain . :)

Sian , nothing to do at home , still haven't finished holiday homework , hahah .

Hais , I'm so frigging bored .

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Zzz , messed up lahs .

Went play badminton today . With ex-neighbour . Played with strangers , which later became friends . :] So long never play badminton already , hahahah .

My sister can't pass her Audi license , serve her right ! So noob , ahahhaha .

Haven't even touch my holiday homework . Eh , wait , i don't even know what homework is there . I'm gonna die next term lahs . LOLS .

TMRW HAVE TRAINING , -.- . But luckily its in the morning , and not afternoon . :)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Finally have time to post , lols . Moved house yesterday , SOOOOOOO tiring .. Somemore internet connection was down . Had to get someone to repair it just today , cause me and my dad didn't know what the shit was wrong with it .

Whole house is like FREAKING messy lahs . Zzz . Still gotta unpack my stuff .
Damn ! I forgot what homework there is ! ):

Lols , nothing to blog about already . -.-