Friday, September 12, 2008

Saw a rainbow during morning assembly today . :D And it wasn't raining before that .

Had SPA test ! Arghs . Played with the stopwatch , hahah . Managed to get 9.69 and 19.30 on my first try , YEAH . USAIN BOLT ROCKS . Miss Winnie Tan didn't come today , but we still had to do vocab test . I'm confident , hahaa . MUSIC WAS DAMN FUN FUN FUN FUN , I got punished by sitting next to the door . At least i skipped my turn for blowing flute , hahahahhaha . (: I did funny faces at the teacher , he was testing the other people . I did handstand , pumping at the door , ROFL . && he saw me doing handstand , then whole class laughed , lol . Some of the class also started doing handstand , hahahhahah . The teacher then showed us some stupid opera video , made me want to vomit la . -.-

Went Gordon's house after school , went play soccer and basketball . (: Almost couldn't play lor . Luckily the guy allow . Me and Joshua were like owning Gordon and Leon lah . Give them five-goal advantage also cannot win us . But basketball Leon owned la , I was like tyco anyhow throw go inside one lah . But I think my basketball got some improvement , :D .

Weekend's here and there's no work ! Except tingxie , zz . But not gonna learn , so , yeah , no work . :)


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