Sunday, January 18, 2009


Yeah, FRIDAY was so damn FUNNNN.
Had normal school as usual, & during PE, ownage again. LOL.
Miss Tan didn't come, so we had History period freeeeeee! I was like asking Joshua, Did you see Miss Tan today? Then suddenly like, right after that question, Mr Fernandez appeared right outside door, and walked in. LOL. I didn't do my History, so yeah, luckily. (:
Crappppp, I didn't bring back my idiotic Chinese.

After school, went present our project, its screwed, totally.

After that, went for lunch at canteen, then off to CCA exhibition for SecOnes.
Mr Koh asked us warm-up, then did striding, hurdling, and some sprinting, to show the SecOnes.
Whatthefuck, got one SecOne guy say he did 11.6 for 100m in PrimaryFive, CRAZY RETARD. Then when ask him race, he say he tired. -.- We did race after the whole entire thing, but, he was like, not even tired out at all, but I was. I like beat him easily with 13.9 or 14? Diao.

Played Soccer & Basketball at around 6.30, with Joshua, waiting for Alex to finish. When he did, he played a while, ; Then we went to SportsOffice, got drinks, then started walking out of school. (: Brendan whacked my thing, then, I chased him, and MAULED his. Hahahahaha, ;

Walked outside school, saw some Guangyang girl, pushed Alex abit, and he almost banged into her, LOL.
Wanted to go PizzaHut for dinner, but in the end went foodcourt, ;
Ate, drank, then went home. Alex wanted me to take MRT with him, but sorry, I said no. Hahah, ; Left Bishan at around 8.30, reached home 9.20.


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