Sunday, February 15, 2009

BACK FROM CAMP , damn tired . Mom kp me somemore, damnit luh . Blogging in order, so reason for kp-ing me will be down below . Oh , and I won't bother with colors for this post . (:


Went downstairs, felt like taking cab to school, cause everything was so damned heavy. But in th end, took bus.

Reach school, assembly, blahblahblah .

ZXM GO GIVE HOMEWORK EVEN THOUGH WE HAVE CAMP . TELL HER ALSO DON'T UNDERSTAND, DAMN HER LAAAA. Miss Chow never give, Mr Ng also never give, she pian pian must give, wth.
Luckily Matthew told her 11.40 when we had to leave at 11.45, cause she definitely will delay one , stupid.

Went down , soccer-ed for a while, then went line up at plaza . Went refill water, then sit in th hothot SUN .
Went on bus, chanted stupid stuff laa, crazy Matthew start . Was like almost all about Lianhao, LOL .
Reached campsite, I extra go say give round of applause to bus uncle , hahahahaa.
Got down, sat in the damned hot sun again . Nicholas or someone sprayed sunblock on me, thanks, haha.
Gah , had to split hereeee, into our house color, then into A & B .
Matthew, Kai Xiang was with me, YAY . :x Matthew ROCKS kay .
Grabbed our stuff, fall in under our bunk , then SADIST IC MARCUS TEO come kpkb . Say give us 10 secs put our valuables in front, then go count so damned FAST . Fxck la, then we owe 20. Didn't give my phone though, hahhahaha, FOR YOU, BABY , <3
Forgot what we did after that, but I remembered we changed into track pants, then went first activity, rock climbing. Its so damn easy luh, no kick . :x Went twice , both also climb to the top, then have to shout I LOVE 公教! LOL. Had to wait until everyone finished, then discuss skit and cheer . More about it later .
Grabbed utensils, then fall in outside canteen. Had to do some cheer before eating , & prayer .
After eating, went back to bunk, played games I think, then practiced some more cheer and skit.
Forgot what we did alrd luh, but ICs dismissed us for shower, then had to do reflection . Supper was somewhere in between.
Lights off at 11.30 , but me, Bryan Mui and Kai Xiang keep talking about Lianhao, damn fucking funny la , we kept laughing our heads off, & Edwin Goh kept shouting and screaming, then whole bunk was laughing, me , personally, laugh until got tears, it was damn damn damn funny, I can assure you. Until IC came, then we all diam. :x
Finally fell asleep around 1230, woke up around 3 plus, and went inside sleeping bag, cause it was damn hot at 1230 , so I slept ON the sleeping bag.
Edwin Goh woke up at 4.45, when we were supposed to fall in at 6.30, then he said, "I think we're late" . LOL sia, then the whole bunk rocked with laughter. Then some foolish people go down, brush their teeth, then come back up then find out its so damn early. ICs punished us in th end, damnit.
Morning PT, 25 pump, sit up. Stretches, and 2 rounds around idk where. Then kenna pump again, for idk what, blahblah. Then after breakfast , was zip line and abseil-ing . Its damn fun luh , hahahaahah . Zip Line was like not scary at all, damn cool luh . Don't think anyone screamedd.
After lunch , went for high elements . Cyrus was so damn scared at the first one, the single line one , with ropes to help you . He looked damn damn funny la, so scared , wobbling here & there. Hahahaha, I was like very fast across luh, could even woah when I wobbled , then tell IC , "Hold on tight hor," :x
Second station , is backward across line , with two ropes at the side. Must sing song lei, walao . I was like, " Don't you wish your girlf was hot like me, Don't you wish your girlf was a freak like me, blahblah . " LOL . Damned funny and idiotic luh . Then when ran out of lines, sang Mary had a little lamb, hahahha , Janice's favorite children's rhyme. :x
Third, was single log, damn easy, but had to sing song also, I sang all the children rhyme la, BaaBaaBlackSheep , all that . damn funny , people below were laughing like mad.
Last, is the challenge post, not even challenging luh, hahaha. Had to jump from some post high up, about 10m, to a trapeze, 2m away . So easy-eeee.
Then helped with belaying . . .
Dinner, then campfire . whoooo yeah, we won Best Skit award, YEAAAAAH . And most educational skit award. MATTHEW TANG , you rock ! (;
Fast forward then, to lights out. Oh, I forgot to mention, Edwin Goh went home, that guy, tsk . LOL . So no one to disturb , so bunk was pretty quiet, & I fell asleep quite fast .
Woke up at 6.03, went to wash up, then came back to wake everyone up.
Fell in , then morning PT, blahblah . I was like in the third last group before starting 3 rounds, but I finished first , :x But behind ICs of course, cause we not supposed to cut them or smth.
Breakfast, keep utensils, then KAYAK , dammn , damn tiring la, I think was like damn far, from Changi , kayak all the way to Bedok and back ! Wth . One of the instructors was damn hot can. :x
LOL . Damn tired after that, hand, shoulder, aching like shit, hand got blisters. Think got around 4km luh. Damnit.
Lunch at 12, last meal. Packed, then clean up, we had to clean toilet, suay .
Lazy to blog somemore about camp, left at 1plus, reached school at around 2.
Then went play soccer. I treated Brendan, Alex, Matthew, Joshua to bubble tea, see I so good . :x Played soccer a while, half naked, cause it was so damned HOT. Put sunblock everywhere on the top half, then I left some untouched on my , yeah, LOL. Went home around 4, slept all th way, lucky never miss bus stop, hahaha. Considered taking cab luh, but didn't in th end.
Baby pressuring me to faster blog finish, & I have to shower soon anyway, & I took like almost 2 hours to finish this post. LOL .
Oh, and I not gonna blog about what my mother said to me, I'll be pissed if I say .
Have to do ACC later, so I guess, BYEBYE . (;
Lazy upload learning journey photos, :x




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