Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Monday, don't want t blog about it, except Alex bought his Tiempo.

Today, Carpe Diem took damn long, cause we had some inter-class public speaking competition or smth. Wasted like more than 3/4 of Chinese , :D & I flunked it, 46/100. ;x Science, teached about lenses. Boring, I don't understand. D&T, slacked. (: English, I was falling asleep, like I was thinking about other things, my mind was drifting, then the teacher voice like so far awayyyyyyy , like seashell or smth. :x Then suddenly I damn awake, :x Then, there was this name in the book we were going through, Mui Mui, then everyone started saying Bryan Mui LOL. Then she, yeahs, talked off the topic. Almost fell asleep again, but didn't. History, quite slack I guess.
After schooooooool, went t play soccer with Sec 3s. :D Stopped at 3.20 , went to J8 with Alex, Brendan, Kaixiang. Went to RoyalSportingHouse. Wlao, the person scare me say don't have white Tiempo alrd la . D: Luckily Alex was there, he told the person he bought yesterday, still have stocks what. Lucky he go check sia, hahahaa. Bought Size 9 , actually 79, but discount, 59.20. :D
Went to Macs eat after that, then went home, cause my mom didn't allow me to play soccer. D:
Maths - 50 smth
English/Lit - 55
Chinese - 46
Physics - 58
History - 86 !
Kuan Hoe, hope your wrist gets better soooooon ! :D It'd better, cause I want you to play soccer with us. :D


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