Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I want nothing. It has a happy ending.

Sorry for not posting for days, I've been sorta very busy.
& kinda lazy too.
Okay, Nationals are in 2 weeks, yeah. D:
Maths is getting damn fucking hard to understand.
Chinese, don't have to say.
Physics, still okay, for the moment.
English + Lit, still okay too.
History, getting increasingly difficult, but, I want Pure Hist I guess. So have to work harder.

Hmm. I guess, my relationship can be compared to chin-up bars. In real life, when you get tired, you just have to let go. But, its kinda different here, its the chin-up bar getting tired of me, and pushing me off, when I still want to cling on.
Hmm. I guess its goodbye already. This relationship's history.

The imprints on the beach might be washed away.
The clouds may be blown away with the wind.
The grass may die when trampled on.
The smses may be gone forever.
The dust may accumulate.
The rain may come and go.
As I lose everything,
Time may fly past with wings of an eagle.
As the big hole swallows my heart's key,
I will never forget the promise you made to me.


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