Wednesday, May 27, 2009



I need you,
I want you,
I love you.
Te necesito.
Te quiero.
Te amo.
J'ai besoin de vous.
Je vous veux.
Je t'aime.

Lazy post, & renovation works outside my house the lift landing, damn noisy laaa, ):

Oh, and I pon-ed school today, HAHA.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I hate school.

Today's a special day. But I guess, nobody really knows, except me and someone. :D

School was damn slack laaa, :D
Carpe Diem, no need say.
Chinese, did our own stuff. I passed by 4 marks overall, YEAHHH.
Science, went through paper.
Recess, soccer.
D&T, well, nothing to do.
English&Lit, got back paper, then go through only. I got 67 overall, whoohoo, :D Highest 76 I think. Heh.
History, haven't get back paper yet.

After school, went Pastamania for lunch. Then went Gordon's house, played PSP GTA multiplayer like siao, I own like crazy :x Played Halo3 also on Xbox, :D I own Lian Hao laa, that bloody loser, HAHA. Okay, I'm so mean, :x

Tmr have training, D:

Monday, May 18, 2009


Okay, blog's been dead for v long, sorry, );
Edna asked me update, :x Heh.

Okay, my exam results are screwed up like @#^&.
Mrs Ling din come today , so YAY.
Chen Jie Jue, teached again, boring like shit.
IT, Mr Wee took over Mr Rays , :D HAHAHA, he rocks laa.
History, din get back paper, D: So it was slack period. :D
Math, lessons as usual, (;

After school went Dhoby Ghaut with Oliver, Alex they all. But Ryan Wee text me, 'Today have heats, come back!' LOL. So, I had to rush back in a cab, and the fare was 9 bucks, D: And the driver was irritating, keep talking. Then say I shouldn't go back to school just cause of like that, then say what, ask my teacher pay my fare, insist give me receipt somemore. LOL.

Okay, 4x400m was straight finals. Only 3 teams LOL. And Joseph team was pure ownage, :D
Benedict was first, he's from 2-6 or 2-7, not tracker or sports class, yeah. He ran quite well, not bad laa. (; Finished in the way it started, Lane One last, Lane Two second, Lane Three first. Benedict passed to me, and I sprinted off, getting into first position in less than 5 seconds, :D When I passed to Gerald, we were like 70m in front already. Heh. Gerald passed to Ryan, already like 150m in front already. Ryan finished 200m plus in front of the second team LOL. Total time was 4mins18seconds. (;
Haha, GOLD. :D

Friday's Sports Night, soccer will be played then, I guess another gold's in the bag, :D


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Bloody exams.

Romeo&Juliet Lit paper. I think I'm gonna fail, ):
Stupid laaa, give ONLY ONE QUESTION, and its worth TWENTY-FIVE bloody marks.
Went through lessons after that, nothing much.

Chinese paper. I fell asleep like so many times while doing/reading the questions. The result, anyone can guess.
Super boring lessons after that , ZhangLaoShi actually let us study instead of asking us to study Chinese. Science, was revision. History, Miss Tan told us she uploaded the notes. Wtf. She expects us to memorise three chapter notes, study for SBQ, SEQ in just one night. -.- Studied till 12 plus, woke up at 5.

History paper, not that bad. Was quite okay for me. I knew how to write the Essay Question amazingly. Maybe, at least 10 out of 13 marks. (; SAQ, easy laaa, except for ONE question, maybe I won't get full marks for that. So, out of 18, let's say I get 2 marks for that question I din know, so 16 out of 18. 16 + 10 = 26. YAY, pass already. Hmm, SBQ screwed up laaa. Maybe I'll get 7 for that section. So 26+7 = 33.
33/45, :D

Hmm. School ended at 1340 today. Went outside staff room, look for Mr Ng, completed my LONG overdue Science Wksht. Then tutored Oliver some Math, then went to school library, Oliver wanted to play chinese chess with Wilson. I helped Oliver, and won, easily. Lol.

We went Pastamania for lunch after that, then I slept on 88 all the way home. Now's time for mugging for PHYSICS , byeee. (:

Sunday, May 3, 2009

MPS, imy.

6Aspiration 2007 !

I miss you all loads and loads and loads ! D:

How are you all now, I wonder, in your new schools.

Only Benjamin and me were left of 6A in my school.

Darius, Khairul, Aaron, you all went to Victoria School.

Denise, Anglican High.

Anna, Chung Cheng.

Jonathan ! Arts School I think.

Khidir, Hilman, both of you went to TK.

I've forgotten many names. But what I know, is that I miss those days. Separated , seems so , D:
Denise, Anna, hope the BBQ preparations are going well. :D