Friday, July 31, 2009

Its kinda hard letting go.

Cip on wednesday and thursday was super fun la. Not cause of the lady kay, I'm not like Gordon. But it was seriously super funny.

Thursday, had to go to school early for morning training. Mr Teo wanted me, Jordan and Nigel to do 2.4. Zzz. Nigel slack, me and Jordan did full. Damn it la, 10:59, wtshit. My fitness is going downnnnn.

Had Math first lesson, was revision. After that PE. Frisbee, -.- English was exposition, anyhow write. After recess was Chinese. No comment. Math again after Chinese. Damn la, 13.5/21 , retest. Zzz. And someone bloody took my whole stack of foolscap. Science, got back class test, 16.5/30. Zachus highest 27/30, Oliver/Gordon lowest 12.5. LOL.
Played cards with Oliver, Lian Hao, Nicholas, Daniel in class after school.
Then went for lunch, and I went to play soccer, Oliver went for his drama. Daniel , NCC Land, had to pump, what a loser.
Played soccer, blahblah. Saw Alex they all marching in NCC Air. Then they had to pump as well. Nicholas Wee damn bad laaaa, ask them start from zero.
Saw Isaac when going out of school, keep calling me loser, bloody ass.
Tomorrow training, zzz.

At times, I seem to tell myself you ain't worth it.
But I just can't let go.
Is this love true, I ask myself.
A resounding YES was the answer from my heart.
But I still can't do anything.


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