Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I'm bloody addicted already! Been watching a few times, they're seriously, their dance moves, WL I TELL YOU SEXY TO THE MAXXXXXXXXXXX.
Alex all your fault. But its awesome.
SOO YOUNG IS Super Extra Duper hot ttm ! top.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, im going crazyyyyy.
Gee gee gee gee gee , no no no no no .
Kissing you babehhhh loving you babehhh OMGGGGGG AHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Okay, today had school.
had iced coffee in the morning.
Double English first, it was okay, Mrs LCC's quite a good teacher. :D
Math after that, teacher damn funny i swear, and her teaching style rocks. :D
Chem, teacher acts like we're small kids, explaining even the simplest thing. her teaching's not that bad though.
Recess. had iced coffee again.
Double chinese after recess. Omg this sucks. Me and alex were talking about snsd and stuff for like 10 mins, and she was still on the same question -.-
Last period physics, mr yong told us physics overview and stuff, and gave everyone a lollipop LOL. he makes people laugh during his lesson, making it interesting and stuff :D

After school, went bishan library to eat. Matthew went tell gemma that all of us were there, then she and her friend come find us LOL. after eating, i went home, alex brendan kx went gym, oliver went home i think, and MATTHEW WENT ON A DATE WITH GEMMA AND HER FRIEND. Betray me ):
Bus home, then computer and homework. Yes im going to be hardworking this year :D

I luv snsd <3


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