Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry christmas.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :D
Hope everyone has had a wonderful year.
The year's drawing to a close, and its gonna be a mad rush to complete the assignments.

All I wanted for Christmas was for you to change your ways. But all you wanted for Christmas was him, not me.

Blogging's getting boring.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Don't wish for the guts to walk away and forget everything that we had. Don't walk away, hold those memories close to your heart. If you walk away, I'll go running after you, I'll make sure you don't hurt anymore. But if I catch up to you, and you tell me its over, I'll respect your decision.

Training was tiring. I was thinking of you the whole way.

If I told you I had a fever too, would you be so caring in the same way?

2229, 4 8653 968 4 96853 5683 968 3673837. 46 668 46464 2225 66 8428 7766473.
4 4673 968 78455 36.

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Something's very wrong.

Was this what you meant, when you said you loved me?

Well. I don't know what to do anymore.
One moment, I'm angry, the next, I want you.

Two shots at forever.
Missed by miles.

Friday, December 11, 2009

1st month.

Left house yesterday at around 2. Bus to Bishan, then to Thomson. Went to Joshua's house for a while. Played Uno and cards. Did some dunking, then I changed.
Went to Thomson Plaza to meet J and S. Wasted money buying ice-cream cause it sucked. J ask me meet her outside Popular, and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! her mom was there. Scary k. Her mom's friendly though :D
D: Hello aunty.
J's mom: Why, you scared of me uh? I don't punch, kick or bite like her, *points at J.
Went to playground after a while. Its like damn peaceful there. Wind blowing gently, leaves on the tree dancing. And the best part, there was a pretty, sexy hottie there. And she happens to be mine, :D
So, Joshua left after a while, he was late. ): Created masterpieces in the sand after that, its like very nice lor! And I had to climb the pole to take picture of it, cause cannot see from the ground. We laughed a lot, and I felt less shy in talking. Yay. And me and J found out something very very important. :O And she has the key to my heart now.
Left around 7.30, got on 163 to sengkang at almost 8, then changed to 88. Reached home around 8.40. Quite fast huh.

Today's 11th of December. A month ago, we became a couple. One month. We still have a long and arduous journey in front of us. Let's face the challenges and tests ahead hand-in-hand alright, I love you.
P.S. I don't want this to end in 3 days.


Saturday, December 5, 2009

iloveyou ,

11.11.2009 , 1839 . ^^v
I.L.O.V.E.D.A.R.R.E.N , ttm ! (:

& , haha ! I didn't post FML okay ! :D
See , i'm sucha good girlf and wife . Just kidding . (:'

Luckily , darren's computer is confiscated ,
so he won't be able to see this . :D


Friday, December 4, 2009


Sorry, i haven't been posting in a long time.
Kind of lazy.

So. Yesterday. Went to AMK to watch New Moon. I was rushing before I went out but reached in time. My mom was like nagging and nagging and nagging when I told her I was going with Jiamin and her friends. Anyway. Met Savonne, Jiamin and Clare at AMK mrt. Waited for Niesa a while, then off to Jubilee, met Amelia and idk who else. bought tickets and went in. It was nice, but ending's a bit abrupt huh. "Marry me." Think those who watched already will agree. :)
After movie, off to suki sushi I think. What kind of place is that lah, inside no signal one. Not even underground or what. Oh man, my stomach's grumbling as I type this. Jokes were flying around inside, and some were really funny. Like those about whales, mermans and mermaids, I don't know how to explain this. And how can someone just give a womb to somebody. Female to male some more. LOL. Clare and Savonne left halfway. I didn't eat a single morsel ok. Starving like !@#$. At 5.15, mom called me and did the usual stuff lah, scold scold nag nag blah blah. Had to leave lor. Fuck. Went to pee, then Jiamin walked me to bus stop. And speaking of Jiamin...... She owes me 1234567891011121314151617181920 kisses. I think one lifetime also cannot kiss finish lor. LOL.

Went home starving, ate chocolate to satisfy my hunger pangs for a while. Then went to use com. Ate dinner at around 8. Oh damn, my stomach's grumbling AGAIN.

Fell asleep at 12:30 after watching tv. Woke up at 6. Text jiamin, she was awake. Didn't feel like sleeping, so went out to cycle. Bought breakfast home, and its on the table nowwwww. Man, I'll blog some other time, my stomach is taking over. Bye.

I love Jiamin. :D