Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hey people. I'm blogging in Genting yo. Gahahha. Frick, I should've got 2 hours instead of onee.! I only have like till 1am.

Crap. Didn't see dearest today. She left at 12 noon, and I left for KL like 1 hour after I reached here. She sms-ed me just now, saying she damn scared of going seremban what. Hais. I told her not to cry. D: You promised! :D

&&& HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY EDNA AW! (: Yup, I didn't forget. Hahahhha. Don't think you will read this anyway.

LOL. Blog tmrw, or Monday luh, BYEEE. :D

Friday, November 28, 2008

Dearest is at Genting now, I miss her so much. D:
I'm going there tonight, hope I can see her. <3

I'm bored.

To Janice ; Just tell me la dasao. ):

To Annabel ; Sorry, I don't feel like doing quizzes that cannot copy oneee.

To You ; Tag. :D

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Okay, so went to EscapeThemePark today AGAIN, with Orathai, Janice, Amelia, and Amelia's bro.

But before that, I was like playing with/following Mingyee, & Mandy. Then 1130, after Orathai told me they all at Escape, said byebye, and took 3 to DTE.

Then, when I was walking to Escape, my fxcking slipper broke. I was like, shit la. So damn embarassing. People keep looking at me. Then finally got a new pair. Luckily got enough money. (; Rushed to Escape after getting my new pair. Walked in, saw Orathai they all, then she was like damndamn hyper. Screamed my name. Wahahaha, ;D

We went to play Viking, soo damn fun watching them scream. Even Amelia's bro screamed, and he's like P6? Haiyo. Then, go Wet&Wild. Sat with Janice. She sing MaryHadALittleLamb. LOL. She was like freaking wet after that.

Then, HAUNTEDHOUSEE! Damndamn funny okay. Orathai && Amelia were standing in front of the queue there, then a guy go put out a mask from behind the door, then they screamed like shit, including Amelia's bro. Orathai, stepped on my foot. damn hard. Janice, so evil, don't want come in with us. They all stepped into the house, then don't want go in le, then ask me stand in front. Wth, they pull bag, step my slipper, can't even walk properly la. Scream damndamn loud somemore. lol. Then at the end, got some Indian family, don't know how go out. Then Orathai see them, thought they some staff that was meant to scare us. Then go and scream. Then I was like, they are people. Then, they stuck, because they didn't know how go out. Then some staff go push the exit door. LOL.

Bumperboat, boring lah. Except, Amelia's bro shooting thing was damn straight.

I forgot what we did, the games? Lols.

Then, lunch.

Then, go cycling, go playground at PasirRisPark. Nothing much to mention la, except, I almost crashed into Orathai. Nevermind.

E!hub, was it? Or did we go back to escape? Arrgh, BuYongJin. I just remembered that I said bye somewhere. Then they were like hyperhyper, bye back.

Walk to chalet, saw Jordan, Louis they all playing soccer + throwing on the grass. Just joined in lor. Reached chalet, put my stuff down, took out shirt, jumped into pool. ;D

BBQ was damn fun, lol. I went into the pool like 5, 6 times, lol. Play so called water volleyball, lol. To summarise la, it's damn cool and fun.

I played Mahjong for the first timee, and I won! Because RyanBoey helped me. Thanks, :D

After dinner, watervolleyball-ed, and monkey-ed until the pool lights went out.

MrYong drove me homeee, thankyou so much!

Reach home, showered,

Monday, November 24, 2008

Costner, I really don't know what to say. You're just indescribable.

Had training today. Was okayokay. ;D I think got PB for 300m le. YEAH, 48.8.
Kind of rushed home. Then go chalet. Damn fun okay. Play in the pool, at least thrice. At night, we just jumped in like that, damndamn cold! LOL, too bad my mom don't let me stay over. Bought my running shoes, woo. Sorry, Nicholas. You have to go to queensway && buy yourself. ;D

I'm bored, what should I do. I don't feel like sleeping.

And If I don't listen to the talk of the town,
Then maybe I can fool myself,
I'll get over you, I know I will,
I'll pretend my ship's not sinking
And I'll tell myself I'm over you,
Because I am the king of wishful thinking.

I refuse to give into my blues,
That's not how its gonna be,
And I deny the tears in my eyes,
I don't wanna let you see, no.

I'll get over you I know I will,
I'll pretend my heart's still beating,
Cause I've got no more tears for you,
I am the king of wishful thinking.

Extracted from song. ;D

Sunday, November 23, 2008

OT is going mad again. Crazy girl. ):

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Thursday, November 20, 2008

I'm soo lazy to post! ): Sorry everyone, but I'm really very lazy, and it was quite a looong day of fun. With Nicholas, Janice, Ellenca and Orathai. Went to Escape && WWW. Oh yeah, and can you believeeee? Me and Nicholas treated them to WWW entrance tickets, when I was complete strangers with them, D: LOL.

Orathai, YOU ARE SOOOO IRRITATING! -.- Hey, and, ez-link photo only whatttt. ;D

Janice! You're so scaredy cat! Actually, all of you all were. ;D

Ellenca! You never reply my smses oneeee! Crycry.

Thats about it, ;

But, JCSE called me just now, so disgusting her!
JCSE: Guess what I'm doing now?
Me: What?
JCSE: **Unclear reply**
Me: Huh? What did you say?
JCSE: Pee-ing.
Me: Eewww.

Dearest said can call her, so I called. ;D Made her promise me smth, LOL. GoodLuck for collecting results tmrw today! <3

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Okay, I'm back! From chalet, ;D

I was like playing psp most of the time. Barbecuing was super fun. Wanted to give the stray cats some food, but they went to someone else's pit. At night we played Monopoly and I won like shit. I only had like two properties and the two utilities, -.- . Oh. Nevermind. Slept at like 12.30 then woke up 7.

Just like go beach all that only. ;D

TagReplies ;
Alex ; Why you never go, ):
Huiyu ; NiHaoSister! <3
LeeGina ; Stop spamming la. -.-
Cherie ; Of course you will, but I'll get taller faster, :D Eeyer, I don't want do, LAZY, ;D
Kaijiun ; Okay, I know that. (:

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Okay, today movie-ed with Joshua, Leon, Brendan & his brother. Nothing much to blog about la, except arcade, LOL. I almost beat Joshua at basketball la, SIAN.
Oh, oh, one part of the movie showed some woman, and her name was Gemma! LOL. Me & Brendan was like teasing Joshua so much. Damned funny. Daniel Craig's quite an asshole in the show, keep killing people.

I'm boreedddddd. Oh, crap, tmrw training, I'm freaking screwed! Cause I ponned yesterday.

I'm crazy over you ; I guess.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. So bored.

Went training as usual. Then, went tako and bubbletea with Chong Ye and Jordan, then bus-ed home. Boring lah.

Went home, parents not home. Went to buy lunch, then started playing after eating. Not long, Daddy came back with my Brother, Mummy and my Sister still shopping, LOL. Costner and ZQ came over for fun. Costner transferred Monster Hunter 2, but its kinda boringg. -.- They sabo-ed me also, anyhow go type messages to people on my MSN, argh, -.-. Youtube-ed with ZQ and Costner. Lionel came, then ask me transfer 7 wonders, freak him la, disturb me in middle of game. Lalalalalalalalalalala.

Breaking News ; Arsenal Beat Man United 2-1.

Boring now, waiting for 1.25 am , hurry come! Currently playing RuneScape, LOL. Nothing better to do.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cherie Tan has gone Mad.
She is crazy, mad, insane, mental, retarded, ape, barmy, batty, berserk, bonkers*, cracked, crazed, cuckoo, daft, delirious, demented, deranged, dingy*, dippy, erratic, flaky, flipped, flipped out, freaked out, fruity, idiotic, insane, kooky, lunatic, mad, maniacal, mental*, moonstruck, nuts, nutty, nutty as fruitcake, of unsound mind, out of one’s mind, out of one’s tree, out to lunch, potty, psycho, round the bend, schizo, screwball*, got a screw loose, screwy*, silly, touched*, unbalanced, unglued, unhinged*, unzipped, wacky .

Thank You