Friday, July 31, 2009

Its kinda hard letting go.

Cip on wednesday and thursday was super fun la. Not cause of the lady kay, I'm not like Gordon. But it was seriously super funny.

Thursday, had to go to school early for morning training. Mr Teo wanted me, Jordan and Nigel to do 2.4. Zzz. Nigel slack, me and Jordan did full. Damn it la, 10:59, wtshit. My fitness is going downnnnn.

Had Math first lesson, was revision. After that PE. Frisbee, -.- English was exposition, anyhow write. After recess was Chinese. No comment. Math again after Chinese. Damn la, 13.5/21 , retest. Zzz. And someone bloody took my whole stack of foolscap. Science, got back class test, 16.5/30. Zachus highest 27/30, Oliver/Gordon lowest 12.5. LOL.
Played cards with Oliver, Lian Hao, Nicholas, Daniel in class after school.
Then went for lunch, and I went to play soccer, Oliver went for his drama. Daniel , NCC Land, had to pump, what a loser.
Played soccer, blahblah. Saw Alex they all marching in NCC Air. Then they had to pump as well. Nicholas Wee damn bad laaaa, ask them start from zero.
Saw Isaac when going out of school, keep calling me loser, bloody ass.
Tomorrow training, zzz.

At times, I seem to tell myself you ain't worth it.
But I just can't let go.
Is this love true, I ask myself.
A resounding YES was the answer from my heart.
But I still can't do anything.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Went t eat with Oliver, Joshua and Bryan Mui. Before eating, during eating, after eating, was damn bloody fucking funny. Oliver kept pointing middle finger at all the cameras we saw. At 7-11, subway, etc. Then he pointed at some China couple who were pointing at something behind us, but seemed like they were pointing at us. He pointed when they weren't looking, and they turned around and saw. LOL. Then when at the playground, when we were playing cards, he totally went berserk. putting finger through the holes in the playground, pushing up the cards, laughing like a total retard.

Had training. Quite slack. 10x100m, then rest. Then Teo talk to us about stuff. Ask us drink lots of water, LOL. And he told stories. HAHAHA. Did some exercises, and then it was 600m. Bastard Wei Ming, don't want let me overtake. Timo and Joel was first and second, Weiming third. Didn't time myself, no watch.

After training, off to J8, meet Nick & Sherrie. Cab-ed to Singapore River to catch Liverpool. Torres, Carragher, Benitez, Alonso and the like. We saw them all. Hahaha. There was some retarded guy shouting, Benitez ! Don't sell Alonso, ! Don't sell Alonso ! Buy David Silva ! Benitez just gave a thumbs up, with the crowd roaring with approval. Then he acted idiot, shouted, Buy Robbie Fowler! Everybody looked at him with a 'wtf' face. Loser. Fernando Torres is bloody handsome man. And no, I ain't gay, Shirlyn. He can be all yours.

Train back to Pasir Ris, and went home. Put down my stuff, and went out t cycle. Met Yitian around 4, and we went all around Pasir Ris. Went Pasir Ris Park, Downtown East, Loyang Point, and to Adele's block downstairs. LOL ! Yeah, I still remember. Cycled home after that, at around 6:30.

Went out t eat. Now I'm home.

Off to gaming, goodbye.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Couldn't care less.

131st post.

English was speech again, but tommorow's on exposition. Zzz.
IT was funnnn.
Frisbee was quite fun during PE. Hahaha. Cause we owned the other team totally.
Science, scolding took up more then half of the two periods she had. Lol, not gonna elaborate on that. got 28/40 for digestion test, lol.
Geography screwed up as usual, hate Mrs Pang la. Zzzz.

Basketball after school for awhile then went home.
I saw Chinwei , wtf. LOL. She didn't see me though, dumbass.


Maybe everybody was right. Friends & Family. Saying that we shouldn't go into a relationship so young. I just can't understand. People have long lasting relationships. Oh, fuck, I don't want to care anymore, all I have left to say is.

Out of me.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Oh, god.

Alex possibly has H1N1 , and I think I have it too, ohmy.
Felt feverish, but temp was 36.9. Have sore throat, body aches, abit.

Alex was kinda very sick today. Shivering in the music room. Sore throat. Throat very dry. Temp taking, high. He didn't want t go home though. If he has, its highly likely I have it too. Matthew as well.

Ah, nevermind.

School ended 1250 today. Had training at 1 30. Ended 2 45, damn slack la.

Went bubble tea , then bus home.

I'd been thinking about today's date for a long time, and it seemed like I'd forgotten smth. But it finally hit me during English class, when I saw the date on the board, and thought about birthdays at the same time. Yeah. Damn.

Oh well, I gotta forget this date. Hahaha. May be going t see doctor later, post again tmr if possible.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Damn school.

Damn it la, Term Three sucks.
Projects flying around like, _'_
Somemore training resuming. Zzz.

Speech was over for me today. Man, it sucked.
Had to refer to notes more than occasionally.

Home Econs was funny today. Alex, LOL.

Math, had Congruency & Similarity test, no kick.

Geog, had test. Zzzz.

Science, lesson on sexual reproduction. LOL. Freaking funny. Alex answered some question from Miss Khoo on the topic, and Miss Khoo said 'Ahh, see, now you know who's really interested in this topic...' HAHAHA.
Quoting Miss Khoo here.
'THIS is where your p enters during sexual intercourse...'
'You all know what is semen a not?'
'You all cannot multi-task ah, cannot pee and ejaculate at the same time!'
LOL, I bet Leon, deep down, was very very excitedddddd, HAHAHAHA.

Oh, and smth happened after class. Alex grabbed Oliver by the shoulders after class, and shook him, saying 'Go LAN today la, please?' * shows him some pleading face. Then Miss Khoo saw the whole thing. And Oliver joked that Miss Khoo asked him if Alex was gay when Oliver helped to bring down her stuff to the staff room, and Oliver said yes. Alex thought it was real, and sent a message to Miss Khoo, 'I'm not gay, I'm straight.' Wth right. HAHA. Idk if Miss Khoo replied.

I don't know,
If I still.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Sorry for letting my blog die.
I'm real busy these days, and I don't have the mood to blog anymore.
I was enthu about blogging quite some time ago, but it faded. HAHA.

I think CCA's gonna resume next week, damnit.
Anders came back t school today.
Gordon was bloody funny. Made me and Alex, laugh until cry. Can't say it here. Sorry. Hahaha.

Did biojournal just now in almost 3 hours. Lol.

Ohoh, yes, I'm single. Lol.

Rafael Benitez, sign David Villa ! Use your brain.
Villa + Torres + Gerrard = Ownage.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I'm darren's twin. (:

He helped me blog the other time, so here. i'm helping him blog now. ^^
How kind am i huhhuhhuh. :B
Yup, anyway.
His mom has been kp-ing/ scolding him lately. And therefore he can't blog for sometime.
But he'll blog when he can.

Ah, one more thing.
He wants to say he and Adele are OVER.
He says tht he was actually single from 22ndJanuary.
He felt that the relationship was wrong after the patch on 22ndApril.
" Adele, You are one of a kind you know. You really disgrace girls face okey. But still i think you're pretty. Heh, though i don't really like you, but i think you are one awesome yup. ^^
Yeah, i know. I'm kool. 8D " ♥.♥ Jocelyne young said this. *winkwink
Anything problem call/sms him. ^.^

Yup, okay tht's about it.
- JocelyneYXQ,
Oh, and i rock darren's socks even more. HAHA.

Monday, July 6, 2009


당신과 저 의 이에서만 매우 도달하는 우리 관계. 사랑이 없는 관계에 위에 달라붙는 그것의 아니오 점. 그것의 전면 아기.

Would you care to find out what I wrote?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Lazy, teachers, laughter, esplanade concert.

I'm lazy to post nowadays, and I'm thinking of just leaving my blog, and updating it whenever there's time.

Its back to school, and I'm gonna go crazy. What with the crazy Literature, mad teacher for Chem-Bio, kinda suckish teacher for Geography, zxm for Chinese. Miss Chow's kinda like the best teacher now teaching 2-1. Miss Khoo, chem-bio is not bad la. But if you forget something, she'll give you hell. Mrs Pang, wastes time every lesson. Talking about irrelevant stuff, that isn't even related to geog. Zhanglaoshi, you all know. Lol.

Gordon's real funny nowadays, seriously. He can just like say one sentence, and send me into stitches. Alex also, he starts laughing like in his crazy way, I'll start laughing too. Laughter's really contagious.

Esplanade concert was real funny on Monday. People shouting here and there, Alex & Joshua beside me, and Gordon beside Alex. We like laughed damn alot of times during the whole concert la. Shouting Matthew's name, shouting stupid stuff, clapping for no reason. Lol. In the middle of the concert, someone shouted ZhongLiang ! In damn funny way. Me and Alex started laughing our heads off. Inside joke about ZhongLiang la. Hahaha.
After the whole thing, went BurgerKing for supper. Lol. Gordon kept saying stuff to Oliver, like, hey, that's pretty good ! Like, in his funny way, with emphasis on the pretty.
Ate, trained home with Oliver.

Tuesday, went lan.
Gordon as usual, was up to his 'clown' ways. Brendan was looking for someone to take train with him on the way home. Then Gordon, me, Alex, Kaixiang was gonna take bus. Joshua and Matthew also bus. Then left Oliver and Brendan. Oliver could take bus or mrt, but since he's the super rich kid in our class, Gordon told all of us, eh everybody take bus uh! Oh, Oliver uh? Eh, take cab la, leave Brendan alone. LOL.
Kay, CSS was fun.

Went TP macs for lunch, Gordon&Leon were damn bad la, saying some guy eating was damn retarded. But seriously, guiltily, I agree. Then we were laughing like dogs like that la.
Oh, and I saw CherieTan ! LOL. She shouted to me, and waved. I kinda waved back and turned away, but I guess she didn't see, and she said I dao her. HAHA.
Went play basketball after that. It was funnnnnnn. I'm kinda loving Basketball more and more now. Hahaha.

Went DhobyGhaut play LAN. But after awhile, we went Thomson CC play basketball. Joshua's basketball was kinda very hard and rough, and I didn't really like it. Haha. No offence Joshua. (;
Mom's kp-ing me, I hate her ohsomuch.

It ain't my fault that I can't study well right? You said I don't put in the effort, but what you don't know is I actually do. I'll show you, that I'll do well this term. And you'll probably say something like, oh, you finally woke up. Dad will just probably say, you did well, but did you do as well as others?
Ohman, I gotta mug during every weekend. I'm gonna do that.

Relationships DO NOT affect my studies. I think if I don't have a relationship, it would affect my studies more.

Lol, its my longest post for a very long time.
125th post anyway.