Friday, January 30, 2009

I didn't even do a thing wrong, scold scold scold. People never do anything wrong, they just don't understand, scold them stupid, anyhow hit people, anyhow scream scream scream, WHAT'S your problem ? Another problem, you're damned biased. Nicholas talk, Lianhao talk, Joshua talk, I talk, or anyone talks nonsense, chaoxie STRAIGHTAWAY . Okay, I'm fine with that, but Shaokai seems never to get punished, even when he talks nonsense. Not only me, that's unhappy okay. Almost everyone in class is unhappy with you know, you not happy, come in class & scream. Not that angry, just come in class with a smile face, what a hypocrite man. Even Matthew I think, is pissed with you. & you think chairman must be perfect huh, think of yourself first please. Nevermind, the more I talk, the more I'm pissed.

Today had some performance thing, lazy to post about that, hahaha.
Except that people's faces were damn fricking funny when they were watching, HAHHAH.
Almost fell asleep during History, so boring.
After school, went J8 with Brendan & Wayne.

Went back school, then went BishanActive with Joshua, Matthew, Leon, Desmond, & Jordan.
Then RyanCheng & Tzai Wei came, then played soccer awhile, then went home.

Tmrw Competition, wish me luck, I'll need it. Cause I'm running 600m, plus maybe 4x400, & 4x100, DIEEEE. idk why is it 600m, & not 800m, weird. Hope I don't screw up. (:

Monday, January 26, 2009


I can't get to sleep.

Baby, why did you go to sleep so early. ;x Kidding.

Nevermind, I go try to sleep, (:

Sorry for the boring post, BYE, post tmrw .

Happy CNY !

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Got so many sms-es, all cannot reply, cause of some idiotic problem, damn the phone man.
Reached school at 7.35, happy birthday darren, was like damn big on the board. -.- Erased away quickly.
After assembly, English.
MATTHEW TANG, YOU ASS. He go tell MrsLing my birthday today, then make everyone sing birthday song, wth. -.-
But, CHINESE was funnier, ZXM screamed at Matthew LOL. Not gonna elaborate, its damn funny, but very long, and I kinda forgot, but I was laughing like some crazy ass.
Nothing much alrd, just that I had maths RE-TEST after school, (:
Think I did much better than the previous one, hahaha, ;
Alex said he's screwed. :/
Nevermind, BYE, (:

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Yeah, FRIDAY was so damn FUNNNN.
Had normal school as usual, & during PE, ownage again. LOL.
Miss Tan didn't come, so we had History period freeeeeee! I was like asking Joshua, Did you see Miss Tan today? Then suddenly like, right after that question, Mr Fernandez appeared right outside door, and walked in. LOL. I didn't do my History, so yeah, luckily. (:
Crappppp, I didn't bring back my idiotic Chinese.

After school, went present our project, its screwed, totally.

After that, went for lunch at canteen, then off to CCA exhibition for SecOnes.
Mr Koh asked us warm-up, then did striding, hurdling, and some sprinting, to show the SecOnes.
Whatthefuck, got one SecOne guy say he did 11.6 for 100m in PrimaryFive, CRAZY RETARD. Then when ask him race, he say he tired. -.- We did race after the whole entire thing, but, he was like, not even tired out at all, but I was. I like beat him easily with 13.9 or 14? Diao.

Played Soccer & Basketball at around 6.30, with Joshua, waiting for Alex to finish. When he did, he played a while, ; Then we went to SportsOffice, got drinks, then started walking out of school. (: Brendan whacked my thing, then, I chased him, and MAULED his. Hahahahaha, ;

Walked outside school, saw some Guangyang girl, pushed Alex abit, and he almost banged into her, LOL.
Wanted to go PizzaHut for dinner, but in the end went foodcourt, ;
Ate, drank, then went home. Alex wanted me to take MRT with him, but sorry, I said no. Hahah, ; Left Bishan at around 8.30, reached home 9.20.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

LOL, blog dead yo, so long never post alrd.
Oliver treated Joshua, Alex, LianHao & me to PizzaHut on Monday, thanks.
Tuesday, after lunch met Ryan, Gerald, walked to J8, then bus-ed home on 88 with seniors Serjay, Sherwin & Jingwei. Damn funny on the bus, idk how to explain it.
Met Melissa at Elias CC, she's so damn . NEVERMIND.
Wednesday, YEAH, IN PE, OWNAGE. (: Didn't go for training in the afternoon, went Joshua's house with Alex. Played xbox, blahblah, owned Joshua at Fifa09, LOL. We left at like 6.30, ;
Okaaay, today!
I fell asleep during chinese class, -.- Then, in Auditorium, for PW, I almost fell asleep again. I was like struggling to keep myself awake. When it ended, suddenly, tired-ness, POOF, disappear, ;
Actually wanted to play soccer with Alex & Brendan, but in the end, went meet Melissa again, this time at macs. ; Damn lazy she, stupid & crazy, chaoxie also don't want do! Gahh, but she's damn cute.
Awww, I'm damn bored now, tmr got PE again, haha.
Tmrw got CCA exhibition, got to help out. I want to get at least three persons to join TRACK.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Okay, I know my posts are getting like, more and more time in between each post, I'm sorry.

Cause like, I've been getting home quite late, and have Maths Homework everyday. & I've got to do it, cause Miss Chow will kill people if they don't do homework.

Training on Monday was killer training kay, damn fricking tiring, ;
12 x long slope,
4 x 5om acceleration,
400m, (WTH!)
Then we didn't meet expectations, -.-' !
Supposed to walk 2 rounds in 11mins, then when we finished one round, Coach change to 3 rounds in 16mins, zz. ;
Then 800m, (CRAZY!) Do in under 3 mins, even when we're so dang tired alrd. I ran 2.50.57, luckily.

Okay, time for Tuesday. It was just plain old school, but after school was damn fun.
Soccer in the field with Sec3s, hahah, (;
Hat-trick yo, hahahah, all tap-ins, ;
Went Joshua house with Alex after that, did project, shit, I think we're screwed.
Reached home at 7.40.
Then blahblah.

Today, first period was PE. Mr Goh was damn funny throughout the whole lesson, but I think its just the first lesson he will be like that. (:
Hahahhaha, taking height & weight was damn funny, BRENDAN, YOU LOSER.
When it was my turn, Mr Goh take my height, then Brendan heard my height, then he was like, "hahahhaha". Mr Goh heard it, turn back, said to him, "Knock it down 20, hahahahhaha." LOL!
Then when he was done, Mr Goh, said, "I didn't see, go and do! hahahhahaha." LOL, dang fricking funny, ;
KaiXiang made fool of himself also, ;
Mr Goh said his weight was 43, then he go look closer at the scale thingy, then said, "No, its 44."
Then he knock it down 20 also, I think.'

The whole day was like damn fun, and/or, filled with funny stuffs, (;

Erm, had training as usual, but I was more relaxed, cause I had a reason to run slower, my hamstrings, were like very stretched, and tense. ; I was like lagging behind for all the runs that we did, 15 altogether, long slope.

Nothing much to say alrd, (;
Bye ;

Sunday, January 4, 2009

hope it rains tmrw. (:

Ohmycrap. My hair is screwed up! Fuck luh. D:
Went out today, the only thing I got was a watch, -.-
Tmrw, hair & attire check, sian, need bring extra socks, !
Shit, have training too.
Don't think I'll have the time to post tmrw, zzz.

Hope it RAINS tmrw, ;

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Okay, followed Nicholas to watchnight service.
First, met him and friends at CCK Macs, then we train-ed to Sembawang.
Bus-ed. We were kind of early there, but, yeah, nevermind.

So, we went to change, and kind of stood around for awhile.
Nevermind, blahblahblah, fast forward.
Janice came, she was EMO!
Met Sherrie "cousin" for first time, (;
Performances and games totally rocks kay.
Fast forward, 10pm. Break time, ate, obviously.

Okay, nevermind, fastforward again la, 11.59.smth pm came, then started countdown, then balloons started falling when 12am, LOL. Burst damn a lot, hit it at people, LOL.
THEN OMG, people taupok-ed Leroy until he cry seh, D:
&& people kept saying I looked like him, and asked me if I was his brother.

Played around for awhile, then took regional photo, then bus came to take us to Yishun.
Ahah, it was there, that I made a new friend, the EvilEvelyn.
Played cards there, played Wii, table soccer, hais. I'm beginning to miss it. LOL.
Evelyn, she dang fickle-minded one, its like, she said, lend me your psp, then later say don't want, then want again. Then when I had a bag of chips, she say she wanted, then say, don't want, I got sore throat, LOL. Crazy & Evil.

Hahah, we had to leave at around 6. Waited outside for awhile, for idk what.
Evelyn never said byebye to me, so I like, said, I don't friend you alrd, LOL.
Then she like, smiled know, erm. Cutee, ;X
Okay, Nicholas, Ryan, Leroy, and me, walked to Yishun macs to have breakfast, & we were dead tired, ;
I almost fell asleep in Macs kay, LOL.
Walked to MRT, had to wait around 7mins for the stoopid train, && it was crowded, ;
I sms-ed Evelyn in the train until she fell asleep,
We were all like drunkards, falling asleep all over the place, (;

Alighted at CCK, took bus to Nicholas's place, then changed, then went straight to bed, it was around 8. Woke up at around 12plus to find relatives, & mom, dad arrive alrd.
Went shower, then ate lunch,
Played Xbox, they said want take pictures of family, thats what we did,
Then not gonna elaborate more,
We came home, now blogging. (:

Fuckfuckfuck, school's starting TOMORROW.
2 months, gone like that?
-.-" !

Gahh, fuck, i'm dang sian now, ;
I don't want to cut my hair!

Gahh, nevermind, BYE.,