Saturday, February 28, 2009

Yay Yay Yay , happy belated end of CommonTests wishes ! :x Idk what that means. But, its over, generally. (;

Last paper , MATHS. Quite simple, :D
Had P.E after maths paper, 2 rounds warmup as usual. Lucky I decided to slack, cause we had to run 1.6 under 9mins (no kick :x) ! LOL .
Michael, actionaction, first part chiong, when I overtook him, idk where he went to le. :x
1st round, when I passed Mr Goh, he said I too fast LOL , ask me slow down.
2nd round, heard footsteps behind me, thought Michael was following, but turned out to be SUPER ALEX, HAHAHHAHAH !
3rd round, nothing much, except damn tired.
4th round, gear up, XD
Finished in 6:39 , 2nd Alex 7:11. I know we're damn slow. ;x
Last person was idk who, lols, but slowest was 14 smth I think.
Had to do SBJ after that, I suck at it.
Science, Daniel made me say fuck, & I had to carry on 2o, -.-'
Chinese, boring luhhhhh, idiot .
History, watched WWII documentary or smth.
English, went through summary.
Went watch movie with Joshua & Matthew after school, "Benjamin Button" . Saw StephenTang, & Aaron there. (; I don't want to elaborate about movie, so, yeahs.
After movie, saw Leon & Gordon at Macs , they had to do ZXM's punishment after school, for saying sex in class, hahahhaaahha .
Waited for Alex, then I went for dinner with him, Joshua&Matthew went home.
Okayyy , blahblahblah .

Todayyyy .
Training as usual, & it was until 1:30 .
8x100 , practice baton passes , and the exercises, yeahs.
After training played abit of retarded soccer with my juniors. The ball was some primary school kids ball , those soft soft types. D;
Went to Subway eat after that, then went homeeeee. PSP-ed all th way home, :D
Liverpool vs Boro tonighttt, :D
Someone's still in Malaysia, you better come back fastfast kay. <3

Okay, buh-bye.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I took a ride on a February morning,
Just getting over it and dealing with the mourning,
I started thinking out loud: I'm so sick and tired of being sick and tired,
My baby's flying off the edge of the road,
She's saying, "I'm so sorry about that note",
That left me all alone,
But I'm so sick and tired of being sick and tired

Somebody turn the lights on,
Somebody tell me what's wrong,
I'd be lying if I told you,
Losing you was something I could handle,
Somebody turn the lights on,
Somebody tell me how long,
All this darkness will surround you,
Cuz I'm burning for you,
Burning like a candle

Seven days since I've seen your face,
Seven nights I have laid to waste,
I'm burning out now,
I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired,
I know we're hanging at the end of the road,
We've flown too high, make a swarm too low,
I heard a screaming out loud,
I heard a screaming out loud

Somebody turn the lights on,
Somebody tell me what's wrong,
I'd be lying if I told you,
Losing you was something I could handle,
Somebody turn the lights on,
Somebody tell me how long,
All this darkness will surround you,
Cuz I'm burning for you,
Burning like a candle

All the things that you say,
What are the things that you mean,
What are the things that you say to me,
Cuz your tradgedy,
A queen for his majesty,
All these plans for me,
Your kingdom is crumbling,
You're a tradgedy,
A queen for his majesty,
All these plans for me,
Your kingdom is crumbling,

Somebody turn the lights on,
Somebody tell me what's wrong,
I'd be lying if I told you,
Losing you was something I could handle,
Somebody turn the lights on,
Somebody tell me how long,
All this darkness will surround you,
Cuz I'm burning for you,

Burning like a candle
Burning for you
,Burning like a candle,
Burning for you,
Burning like a candle
-The White Tie Affair - Candle ( Sick & Tired)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy First Month BABY , iloveyou. (; Now, & forever more.
What BABY sent me, :
HAPPY FIRST MONTH to you too baby (:
We are sooo gonna last long .
Through good times & bad , we shall see each other through it all (:
Our eternal promise will be forever remembered , for I will love you , from now until th end of time, my love .
You are th one who made me believe in forever .
ILOVEYOU babyyy (:
<3, forever my sillysweetcuteawesomehotbhbfaithfulkindunderstandinghusbandtobe :D:D:D

Hahahahha, she's so sweeeeeeeeeeeeet luh , sweeter then any other girl in my whole lifeeee , :D
I'm gonna love you till the end of time too, babe . :D

Feeling scared, Brendan ? You should be, cause your 50 bucks bet is gonna be mineeeee . :D

Saw Leon outside school ytd, so went study with him, Matthew, Brendan and Joshua instead.
Lazy post about the studying part, so skip to after studying.
Went lunch at Yoshinoya, then took train with Leon to TP, & bought my shades, hahahha. (:
Fast-forward, went to edge BBQ with Nick, saw babyyyyyyyyyyyy thereee. :D
So shy her, :x

HISTORY MR TMRW, fck, go study alrd, byebye. :D

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hhahhaa, we wrote stuff on the whiteboard, like algebraic equations, LOL . c + m = love, smth like that . Damn funny luh, when Miss Chow saw . :D
Sang birthday song . blahblah .


After school went Toapayoh with Matthew, Joshua & Leon. went burgerking. Not gonna blog about that stupid attitude-problem girl . Went library, mugged history, then got scolded thrice, LOL . By some Indian security guard that Matthew kept calling Muthu . Then like I was pulling books about teenage love, and sick stuff all that off the shelves, and laughing with Leon . DAMNED FUNNY I TELL YOU . Blahblah, I didn't study much, but Matthew helped me, :D
Went near Leon house playground all that , then did push-ups all that, hahahah . Then got like one girl, the shirt behind write Wendy, yeah. & Leon was like, O-Wendyyyyyyy !
I laughed until got stitch laaaa , hahahahhahahaahha .
Okay, blahblahblah . We slacked at fitness corner, "did exercise" , yeah .
Oh, we saw Wendy again, ELABORATION . -> Left with Matthew, then like, we were walking near MRT there, and that girl, with her friends, were like trying to retrieve smth from a drain. Then me & Matthew was like, what happened . Then I look look, then suddenly saw the shirt, then I was like, " Eh, that's Wendy ! " LOL .
Lazy blog about anyth else / cannot remember .

Monday, February 16, 2009

Alex, so called addicted to looking at some Arsenal PC game, 2005.

Th FISH . :x

Matthew & Joshua




Lazy blog about today .

Sunday, February 15, 2009

BACK FROM CAMP , damn tired . Mom kp me somemore, damnit luh . Blogging in order, so reason for kp-ing me will be down below . Oh , and I won't bother with colors for this post . (:


Went downstairs, felt like taking cab to school, cause everything was so damned heavy. But in th end, took bus.

Reach school, assembly, blahblahblah .

ZXM GO GIVE HOMEWORK EVEN THOUGH WE HAVE CAMP . TELL HER ALSO DON'T UNDERSTAND, DAMN HER LAAAA. Miss Chow never give, Mr Ng also never give, she pian pian must give, wth.
Luckily Matthew told her 11.40 when we had to leave at 11.45, cause she definitely will delay one , stupid.

Went down , soccer-ed for a while, then went line up at plaza . Went refill water, then sit in th hothot SUN .
Went on bus, chanted stupid stuff laa, crazy Matthew start . Was like almost all about Lianhao, LOL .
Reached campsite, I extra go say give round of applause to bus uncle , hahahahaa.
Got down, sat in the damned hot sun again . Nicholas or someone sprayed sunblock on me, thanks, haha.
Gah , had to split hereeee, into our house color, then into A & B .
Matthew, Kai Xiang was with me, YAY . :x Matthew ROCKS kay .
Grabbed our stuff, fall in under our bunk , then SADIST IC MARCUS TEO come kpkb . Say give us 10 secs put our valuables in front, then go count so damned FAST . Fxck la, then we owe 20. Didn't give my phone though, hahhahaha, FOR YOU, BABY , <3
Forgot what we did after that, but I remembered we changed into track pants, then went first activity, rock climbing. Its so damn easy luh, no kick . :x Went twice , both also climb to the top, then have to shout I LOVE 公教! LOL. Had to wait until everyone finished, then discuss skit and cheer . More about it later .
Grabbed utensils, then fall in outside canteen. Had to do some cheer before eating , & prayer .
After eating, went back to bunk, played games I think, then practiced some more cheer and skit.
Forgot what we did alrd luh, but ICs dismissed us for shower, then had to do reflection . Supper was somewhere in between.
Lights off at 11.30 , but me, Bryan Mui and Kai Xiang keep talking about Lianhao, damn fucking funny la , we kept laughing our heads off, & Edwin Goh kept shouting and screaming, then whole bunk was laughing, me , personally, laugh until got tears, it was damn damn damn funny, I can assure you. Until IC came, then we all diam. :x
Finally fell asleep around 1230, woke up around 3 plus, and went inside sleeping bag, cause it was damn hot at 1230 , so I slept ON the sleeping bag.
Edwin Goh woke up at 4.45, when we were supposed to fall in at 6.30, then he said, "I think we're late" . LOL sia, then the whole bunk rocked with laughter. Then some foolish people go down, brush their teeth, then come back up then find out its so damn early. ICs punished us in th end, damnit.
Morning PT, 25 pump, sit up. Stretches, and 2 rounds around idk where. Then kenna pump again, for idk what, blahblah. Then after breakfast , was zip line and abseil-ing . Its damn fun luh , hahahaahah . Zip Line was like not scary at all, damn cool luh . Don't think anyone screamedd.
After lunch , went for high elements . Cyrus was so damn scared at the first one, the single line one , with ropes to help you . He looked damn damn funny la, so scared , wobbling here & there. Hahahaha, I was like very fast across luh, could even woah when I wobbled , then tell IC , "Hold on tight hor," :x
Second station , is backward across line , with two ropes at the side. Must sing song lei, walao . I was like, " Don't you wish your girlf was hot like me, Don't you wish your girlf was a freak like me, blahblah . " LOL . Damned funny and idiotic luh . Then when ran out of lines, sang Mary had a little lamb, hahahha , Janice's favorite children's rhyme. :x
Third, was single log, damn easy, but had to sing song also, I sang all the children rhyme la, BaaBaaBlackSheep , all that . damn funny , people below were laughing like mad.
Last, is the challenge post, not even challenging luh, hahaha. Had to jump from some post high up, about 10m, to a trapeze, 2m away . So easy-eeee.
Then helped with belaying . . .
Dinner, then campfire . whoooo yeah, we won Best Skit award, YEAAAAAH . And most educational skit award. MATTHEW TANG , you rock ! (;
Fast forward then, to lights out. Oh, I forgot to mention, Edwin Goh went home, that guy, tsk . LOL . So no one to disturb , so bunk was pretty quiet, & I fell asleep quite fast .
Woke up at 6.03, went to wash up, then came back to wake everyone up.
Fell in , then morning PT, blahblah . I was like in the third last group before starting 3 rounds, but I finished first , :x But behind ICs of course, cause we not supposed to cut them or smth.
Breakfast, keep utensils, then KAYAK , dammn , damn tiring la, I think was like damn far, from Changi , kayak all the way to Bedok and back ! Wth . One of the instructors was damn hot can. :x
LOL . Damn tired after that, hand, shoulder, aching like shit, hand got blisters. Think got around 4km luh. Damnit.
Lunch at 12, last meal. Packed, then clean up, we had to clean toilet, suay .
Lazy to blog somemore about camp, left at 1plus, reached school at around 2.
Then went play soccer. I treated Brendan, Alex, Matthew, Joshua to bubble tea, see I so good . :x Played soccer a while, half naked, cause it was so damned HOT. Put sunblock everywhere on the top half, then I left some untouched on my , yeah, LOL. Went home around 4, slept all th way, lucky never miss bus stop, hahaha. Considered taking cab luh, but didn't in th end.
Baby pressuring me to faster blog finish, & I have to shower soon anyway, & I took like almost 2 hours to finish this post. LOL .
Oh, and I not gonna blog about what my mother said to me, I'll be pissed if I say .
Have to do ACC later, so I guess, BYEBYE . (;
Lazy upload learning journey photos, :x



Thursday, February 12, 2009

DAMN IT, CAMP'S TMRW TO SUNDAY , 14th Feb is goneeeee, D:

Had Learning Journey ytd , post pictures when I get home on Sunday , (:
Today played soccer after school , blah blah .

Sorry baby ! Can't spend that day with you , D:
Sorreeeeeeeeeeeeee ! D:
I'll sms you at night yeah ? Iloveyou, <3
Dedicated to Adele , <3
Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love.

There are many reasons to hate ,
But, there's only one reason to love.
That reason , YOU .

I'm so in love with you
And I'm not letting go .

This feeling that I feel for you.
I am certain it is love.
You may not think that it is true.
That I could ever care for you.
But with every look,
And with every glance,
I love you more and more.
You have a hold of my heart.
And I hope you never let go.
You are all I want to know.
The next eighty years.
Will never do.
Forever seems like nothing,
To spend a life with you
.I know this relationship is different.
Than any one you have had.
But that is what makes us last.
You know that I love you.
With all of my heart.
You want to be with me.
I want to be with you too.
In time we will be.
The miles will fade.
And I will prove we are meant to last.


I can swear , I can vow, that I'll never let go .

Monday, February 9, 2009

Night View At Active
Class in morning.

Bryan Chong LOL!

Alex playing swing near Joshua's house.

Matthew doing idk what,

Fuck, stupid BrendanLoyMingChuen ! You made me sprain my ankle, you asshole. Damn painful kay, asshole.
Went for training , didn't do much, cause of my ankle. -.-'
Matthew, stop saying Apple . Please.
Pictures rock right, NONE OF ME. (:

Friday, February 6, 2009

HAND NUMB, damn .
Stupid chaoxie, not going to elaborate more, lest I get more vulgar and scold the teacher, here.

Had to chaoxie until like 6plus, fuck.
Day was either boring / I forgot what happened .

Had some National Education presentation thing after assembly,
Wasted alot of Maths time. Left 15mins nia.
Had PE after that, most tiring so far.
Usual ownage at warmup, lol.
Then the rest was tiring laa. Haha.

Had Science test after PE, quite confident of passing, YEAH.
& alot of people didn't minus the extension thing for the Graph Question. Lucky I did. (:

Recess was spent doing chaoxie for that woman, damnit. Haven't been playing soccer for so long alrd. D:

Had Chinese after recess, need see that woman face, -.- Had tingxie, not gonna talk bout it.

Then History was super slack, Miss Tan gave us some worksheet to do, and went off, idk why.

English have compo test, didn't even finish kay. D:

Chaoxie after school again. D: Not gonna elaborate again, finished at around 4.15. Went to canteen, ate smth, then went home. Mom returned my phone, YAY. (:

Nevermind, my life's boring, sorry . BYE,

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Yesterday, 31 Jan .
Bus-ed to Bishan, to meet Jordan & Chong Ye. Then took cab down to VJC, $15, split, so $5 each.
Dunno go there so early for what, crazy Isaac.
Found out my event was at 5.45, wth. && the competitors were like all above our age, except some CHIJ girls, but, they can't run with us, so yeah. (: Stupid.
Fast-forward luh. Warmed up with Liang Yuh, 2 rounds, then stretch. Then rest a while, then went one slow round.
Reported to stewart, found out the people running with me were from NYP, WHAAAATTHEFUUUCK. So they were like , 16 years above. Screwed ,
Event started, needed to pia with them, then by 400m mark, lag behind like crazy alrd. First guy through was 1:34 I think. I was through with 1:49. Not that bad kay, :x Oh, oh, & the event's 600m .
Whole body was NUMB after it. -.-
Rest a while, then go eat cup noodle. Then went to shower, (;

Then, took cab again, with Bryan, Chong Ye. Went to Bishan, then AMK, then to TeckWhye, my aunt's house. WHAT THE HELLLLLL, cab fare 35 bucks siol, knn. Lucky brought extra money uh.
Play cards there until I bankrupt sia. D: Not gonna elaborate, cause idk how, it was quite messy. LOL.
Reached home around 12.35, wanted to blog, but my dad took away the charger for the laptop, now running on battery only, so I guess, this post ends here, yeah. (;