Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Brendan Loy, again. Read the title of the book. :x


Zilian, (:

Brendan Loy !

Jonathan, Brendan, Bryan Chong.

Jason, Wenxuan, goodiebags at CIP.



CIP / School.

Okay, time to blog, after so long.

Saturday, Sunday. - CIP PLAZA SINGAPURA.
CIP, quite fun ley, (: Reached there at 1030 on both days. Saturday first shift. Packed goodie bags and transported them 25m. LOL. Did that most of the time. And slacked at the booth. Lunch, had 5 bucks allowance. Couldn't shake off GPC though, D:
After our shift at 3:30. Brendan, Alex, Joshua and me quickly took our bags and pangseh-ed GPC. Totally nice one man, I tell you. Went arcade , then to bunk . We saw GPC helping out at second shift LOL. Loser.
Sunday, same time. Did first shift as usual, but we din do much, only give out balloons. LOL. I kenna reject loh, wanted to give some hot girl, but she don't want. ): Hahaha. Yeah, so we spent the time walking around. Fxcking GPC follow me around EVERYWHERE I TELL YOU. We managed to pangseh him at lunch, but he found out where we were. -.-' He's damn %!!@#?*^*. First shift ended, decided to do second shift as well, along with Matthew and Leon. Did the most work then, :D
Home-ed at 8.

Monday - School.
Same old boring stupid lessons. Fell asleep during afternoon lessons, as usual.
After school, went to library to study with Matthew. Made history notes. Chapter 6 only though.

Yesterday - School, gym.
First period , Carpe Diem. In class, updating our gentleman passport shit. Then Alex, was like sick. Using up lots of tissues. Then , the conversation part.

Alex: Eh, help me write can, I need to think of when I going to die.
Darren: *laughs, okay.
Darren: You're going to die tmr. And we all will go to your funeral, and cry over you.
Alex: Hmmfp. (Whatever)
Darren: And when you get cremated, we will burn a soccer ball tgt with you.
Alex: Eh I want nike one hor !
Both: *LAUGHS.
Not really that funny as I type it, but it was damn funny on the day.

Second period Chinese. Got caught for using phone, zzzzz.
Zxm walked over screamed at me. LOL. She talked to me after class. Then say next week then confiscate all that crap. Crap her.

Third period Science Practical.
TWO WORDS. - Screwed up.

After recess, D&T. Second funny conversation of the day.
Brendan and Alex playing some name the song game.
Playing by alphabetical order.
So they were playing.
Brendan's turn: G, I forgot what he said.
Alex's turn: H, How do you sleep. Then he started singing a bit.
Brendan's turn: I, then, he said hmm. I don't careeeee.
Then we started laughing. Cause, How do you sleep? I don't care.
Nah, maybe not funny. I'm lame.

Okay, not worth mentioning the rest.

Had math test after school. Screwed too.

Went gym with Leon and KaiXiang after school. Ran 4.8 km on treadmill with Leon. 2.8km, then 2km. Did weights, chin-ups, abs and leg press, and some other stuff.

Home-ed on 53, saw Zoe. I din know it was her, until Brendan Loy called me. Msged her, and found out it was really her. Din say hi though. HAHA.

Today - HBL, gym.
HBL, my internet connection was screwed. So was my tests. I failed maths, and got 67.5 for Science. Dieee alrd luhh, D:
There was this mass MSN conversation involving like 14 people, including Miss Chow. Then we talk talk talk. Then Alex was like, "Bick yan jiak liao bo". Everybody was like wtf. He purposely want do that to miss chow, or he don't know? Either way, he's gonna be dead. :/
Chinese was a flop as usual.

Left house at 1145. Went Bishan gym with Leon and Brendan. LOL. I think I'm addicted to gym man. You just watch out, in 10 weeks, I'll be stronger then Joshua. Haha, kidding.
Went to study at library after that. Wasn't counted really studying, lol.

Home-ed on 88 with Ryan Wee. We talked about track, LOL. Sports Night, Joseph House 4x400 team. PURE OWNAGE. James, Ryan, Gerald, me. Our average is like around 60 seconds. The other houses stand no chance. :D I think I'm gonna take part in 800m too, HAHA. Except Ryan Wee, there's no one else to challenge. And we're both Joseph House. :D I think I'm gonna switch over to cross-country from sprints side, cause I needa build my endurance. Die alr laa, if i switch. Damn tiring one , workout. Heard from them 3 rounds warmup, sometimes 8km workout ley. That means 20 rounds. ):

Okay, pictures are gonna be up in the next post. I don't want to upload it here.

Friday, April 24, 2009


LOL, had 3 tests today, D:
First was napfa, then chinese, then english.

LOL. Napfa, 2.4km. Cruised through, :D But I won't beat sports class, yeah. Starting, Alex was like, where's Darren? LOL. Leon Hee gave me a scare at 3rd round, suddenly appearing beside me, and running alongside me. Pulled away though, :x Lapped some people I didn't expect to, Wen Xuan, (Field ley.) Jason, (NPCC ley !) . Rest was expected one la, Zi Hao, Dylan, Daniel Foo, LOL. Finished in 10:12, gahh. My 9 minutes dream shattered. Leon second, 10:40 or 50 smth. Alex was third I think, but I think Matthew, who haven't run yet, will be faster. (:

Chinese letter writing, screwed already, no need say.

English Expository, D: I think I'm gonna fail. No more 21/30. I don't think it will be good, I don't know if I went out of point.

After school , played soccer a while, then went home.

Tomorrow and Sunday got CIP, at Plaza Sing. 10:30am to 3:30pm. (:

Ah Gong, Ah Ma, 虽然你们已离开这个世界,我们仍然会想念您们,永远爱你们。我相信,你们已在天堂里在一起。我也相信,ahgong 不要 ahma 受苦了,所以才会造成这样的。另一方面来看,他们的爱,真的是很深很深,去世了,还要在一起。ahgong, ahma, rest in peace. 我爱你们。

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

People. I'll cheer up.

Haven't been posting for very very long already, sorry.
Not in the mood to post anyway.
I guess most people know why.

ONE & A HALF MONTHS, was all it took for me to lose two loved ones. Gone, just like that. Leaving behind wonderful memories. Was it all too soon, all too fast? I guess, now. Everything should be cherished, cause you never know what's gonna happen tomorrow.

He was healthy, making overseas trips often, read books often, of life, and its values, and stuff. Everything was in Chinese. I didn't understand when he was trying to tell me stuff. I didn't talk to him much, just talking to him about studies, cca, have you eaten, when he asked me with a smiling face. Oh, how I miss those times now. He would bring us children to the playground when we were young, and subsequently more places. He would buy us drinks, toys, sweets, & I took all that for granted. Only after he fell sick, gravely sick, that I talked to him more, understood everything, his love for us. He was sick, he could not speak much, & he faced death bravely, say death is inevitable, something like that. He could not speak when I visited him on the week of his death, and struggled to make me understand him. I felt so useless, helpless. Buckets of tears, it seemed, was destined to fall. 14 years of him taking care of me, caring for me, and he's gone. Just like that.

She was also healthy, had a great sense of humour, often cooked for us. She would be caring towards me, often giving me and my older cousin, the best of things, like. She would buy stuff for us, give us money. She would smile, and talk to us nicely, never getting angry, or seldom. During my primary school days, she would come over to my house often, helping my mom with the ironing, afraid she'll get tired out from all the work. She'd talk with my mom for long hours on the phone, often at night, or in the afternoon. She laughed her funny laugh often, but it was ages since I heard it, & never will again. I still remember once, when I was still young, she even cut my nails for me. As time flew past, she became more and more sick, complaining of back pain, and went to chinese doctors, to have her back rubbed. I remember once, I brought her there, she was telling the taxi driver, my grandson don't want listen to me, tell him no need to bring me, he still want to. I remember, she went to NTUC after the treatment, and even bought sweets for me, asked me what my siblings like to eat. I miss everything so much. When she was admitted to the hospital, she was bedridden. Her back was painful till she cannot even sit up. But, she still had a sense of humour. I don't know how, but somehow her blood got bacterial infection, her liver failed, and yeah. I thought they were all minor things, the doctors medicine would save her, because she didn't have cancer like my grandpa did. Oh, man, I visited her in the hospital as often as I could. & she would ask me to go home early, still she worried about me. I guess I'll stop here, I don't want to go on, the tears are welling up.

-Alot more stuff about them, yeah but if I write, then it will fill up at least 100 lines.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Tried my best at moving on.

Tomorrow, D:
400m, nationals. Event's at 1540, heat one. Come come support me, CCK stadium. :D
Supposed to leave school at 1040, but feel like pon-ing school, then going straight to CCK stadium.
Today was 200m, and 800m. I would rather be running either of these two events loh, rather then 400m. D:
Add oil me. (:

Aww, man.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The more you tell me to, the more I won't.
You know me, I'm stubborn. (:
Even if you were a burden, do I care?
You do give me happiness okay.
I don't care what's happening between you and wr.
I don't mind being a punchbag.
I piss you off, that's why you ignore me, I know.
I'm not innocent, silly. I'm guilty of making you cry, pissing you off, and the list goes on.
You don't have to be sorry. I have to be.
I was jolted from boredom reading the question 100, but not the answer. :x
Why are we even communicating this way. ;x
Tuesday, & I'm a nervous wreck.
I know you care. I want you back.
The hurt, I don't mind. As long as I can be with you.
I still can take it, I just don't know if I should let go.
Sorry for the contradicting posts, people. I just can't make up my mind.

Fadeaway, please.

See-ing you getting on with life oh so well, makes my heart ache.
I just can't accept the fact.
Oh well, I must as well accept it. Time, & the scars will heal.
Is it fading, or is it still there, I ask myself.
The answer, I don't know.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Haven't been posting for quite long already, yeah.


After school went to Yishun street soccer court to play soccer. It was quite fun there, (:

Took bus to interchange from there at around 6:30, and went to get ice-cream as dinner. Hmm, the rest, I forgot.


Stayed at home most of the day, but went out with family for dinner.


Slept till like 8:45. Woke up, fricking tired. Changed, ate abit, went out for training. It was kinda light training today, cause nationals are in 2 days, mine event's on Tuesday, so 3 days, yeah.

So today training. Did 300m, 200m, 100m with Liangyuh. Kinda discovered I feel at ease running the 200m now. 4 rounds for cooldown, stretch, then last training for the season's over. :D Last training for the Sec 4's too. Isaac was like, YES, NO MORE. LOL.

Went hospital after lunch, visit my grandmother. Yeah, she's not discharged yet. Hey you, yes you, NOW. Pray for her, that she'll get well soon. Thankyouverymuch. (:

Okay, around 5, my aunties and uncle left. My baby cousin is just so cuteeeeeeeee. :D Post a picture of her if possible, and I'm not too lazy to connect the cable.

My grandma has to take so much medicine, D; I see also scared ehs, D: & she also no appetite, D:

Hais. But she still has a sense of humour luh, (:

6 plus, went to get my dinner. Around 7 plus, parents and siblings came. Went down after a while, to eat again. :x Went back up, stayed till around 10. Then the nurse told us to go home, lol. Reached home 10:30.

Liverpool 4 - 0 Blackburn. (Torres 5, 33. Agger 83. Ngog 90)

Man U currently 2 - 1 with Sunderland. Hope they draw. :D

Monday, April 6, 2009

Okay, haven't been posting for THREE days.
Was supposed to have photo-taking before assembly I think, but, obviously, the whole class went down late. Matthew was scolded for bringing us down late. Stupid teacher. Then when it was flag-raising, everyone was like playing or talking, cause we were not in the plaza, somewhere behind it, near G.O.
Wth, everyone kept saying my hair was waxed purposely for the photo-taking. I didn't even wax it for goodness' sake. Its natural , people. Oh, and my hair is kind of brown ! :D Not Alex's type of super brown hair, but just a light shade, so coooooooooooool. :D
Okay, so we took until like 8.40 to finish the photo-taking, partly cause 2-2 was before us, and they keep wanting to take more. -.-
We missed part of compre-summary test because of that. So, we had only compre test, summary's tomorrow.
ACC was screwed up as usual.
Recess, kind of boring. And after recess was the funny part. I was like "Eh, why nobody in class? Damn. What period is it now!" "#$%!*&, I can't remember." Then, I was like damn anxious, looking around, then Jordan told me it was IT. A person from another class, knowing my class timetable, when I don't even know, :x
History, sort of fell asleep for a while. Boring as ever.
Math, had test. Die already la, not enough time to complete. Confident I'll pass re-test though. (:
Had math lesson until 2.15, when it was supposed to end at 1.35. Extra lessons, because we're behind time.

Started raining, so training in school. 8 x 100m, completed, then rested. Then workout was 10 x 100m, full sprint, 6 mins in between. Hais, cooldown was 4 rounds again.
Walked to bus-stop with Bryan K after training, reached home at 7.50.

Still have expository writing and Math, D:

Nationals in 8 days !
Ladies and Gentlemen.
Yes, she told me to give up.
So, officially from now.
I have given up on Adele.
250209, the bad memories.
220109 - 250209, the shattered memories.
060409, the 'surrender' date? (:

Friday, April 3, 2009

Okay, in the morning. After assembly, we were punished for playing soccer in class, my whole class. Alex & Brendan PREFECT, was not there. Stupid.

Anyway, Julian Teo pump us 20 only. He talked about damaging equipment, thought he found out about me damaging the fan luh. :x

Went back t class, had the Maths task thingy.

After that was PE. Basketball.

Science passed by quickly, as it always does.

Recess, went play soccer. Then returned to class late after that. Julian Teo again, saw me. Then pump me and Sun Peng 20, LOL.

Chinese, I didn't even do a single thing, she ask me sit on the floor near the front. Wth. Pure crazy.

History was pairwork again.

English, boring. Me & Alex were like looking through the resource pack, not listening, and we found out that R&J's quite sick.

After school, went to staff room with Josh & Matthew, to find zxm. Joshua getting punished. Went canteen find her, then I was like, 不要放过他 all that. Then Oliver came, then like say alot of stuff with me. Then zxm scolded Oliver say he normal chinese, useless all that. Then I said, "slap her". Then I laughed like some retard. Cause she doesn't understand English.

Okay, so Joshua had detention, while I went to play soccer. At first played with Zheng Yee they all, and then they had to go for cca. Then Daniel Foo come extra. So I played with him, and Wei Sheng called me bully, LOL.

Around 3, Daniel Foo & his Ncc Land cadet group or whatever you call it, had to fall in. Then I was like standing there, doing retarded stuff to make him laugh. He was like trying damn hard not to laugh. Dan & Zhong Sheng, was also trying not to laugh. Damned funny.
Played w Ryan Cheng soccer also, and Matthew for a while. Then hurdled a bit for fun.
Bus-ed home at 1730.


Its the weekend,
But I guess,
I won't be receiving,
Any smses from you.
Even if your mom returns your phone.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

There's no chance.

KUAN HOE, I am NOT emo.

Hahaha, had conversation with Leon and Jason.
Damn funny luh. Jason wanted me send him the class tee design. Then I say cannot send to 2 people at once. Then Leon, say okay okay, I butt out. Then, he say he dunno how. Then say, kick me out ley you, quick quick. LOL.

Sun Peng's asking for Ashley's numberrrrrrrrrrrrr, ~~~
& I'm not giving. :D

Hmm, played soccer after school today. Zhong Liang keeper until Jacob they all come, he damn suck. My shots keep hitting crossbar, or just missing, nothing to do w Zhong Liang, hahhaa.
Tmr my free-kicks better be better. :D

Oh, crap. Saturday have time-trial for 4 x 4 , according to James. D:
Nerves, they're funny things.
Lazy blog nowadays.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I want nothing. It has a happy ending.

Sorry for not posting for days, I've been sorta very busy.
& kinda lazy too.
Okay, Nationals are in 2 weeks, yeah. D:
Maths is getting damn fucking hard to understand.
Chinese, don't have to say.
Physics, still okay, for the moment.
English + Lit, still okay too.
History, getting increasingly difficult, but, I want Pure Hist I guess. So have to work harder.

Hmm. I guess, my relationship can be compared to chin-up bars. In real life, when you get tired, you just have to let go. But, its kinda different here, its the chin-up bar getting tired of me, and pushing me off, when I still want to cling on.
Hmm. I guess its goodbye already. This relationship's history.

The imprints on the beach might be washed away.
The clouds may be blown away with the wind.
The grass may die when trampled on.
The smses may be gone forever.
The dust may accumulate.
The rain may come and go.
As I lose everything,
Time may fly past with wings of an eagle.
As the big hole swallows my heart's key,
I will never forget the promise you made to me.